Gipsy at 4 weeks old

Gipsy at 4 weeks old

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Video Of Newfoundland Puppies just Four Hours Old

Poor June at breeders really had her work cut out last night.  With a restless Gipsy wanting to get up every few minutes and, knowing just one wrong move from the weighty mother might mean the end to one of the pups, June had to be alert and on guard all night. The shift, for her, thankfully came to a close when Howard took over the watch from this morning, giving June time for a quick nap.

Here is the video from yesterday showing June placing the pups for their first ever suckle.  Most got it straight away - but one little blighter had to be shown a few times before nature took over....There was little light apart from a heat light above but it's still a great video.  Click on the blue link below to take you to it on You Tube...

Gipsy, still asleep from her C Section being given her pups to suckle

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