Gipsy at 4 weeks old

Gipsy at 4 weeks old

Friday 27 August 2010

We wouldn't pay for a pregnancy test on our Newfies ever again.

Just a week on since we started this blog. So, that's eight days since we learned by blood tests that our Nwfoundland bitch, Gipsy was pregnant and now it is unmistakeably obvious.

This is our first time at mating any dogs, let alone Newfoundlands so I think we really got a bit carried away with ourselves asking for a blood test to be done. Pretty well a waste of time and money really seeing as how just a few days after getting the results, we would have known for sure anyway.

The reason we thought we ought to have the check done was so that we could increase her feed and add Calcium supplements, but, increasing her feed for a few days anyway wouldn't have done her any harm and calcium supplements are so cheap anyways. These pics were taken yesterday evening after her third walk of the day which, she is finding increasingly more tiring.

She is definately looking bigger, her belly feels really heavy and her rear teats will seen be a "B" cup we're sure..

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