Gipsy at 4 weeks old

Gipsy at 4 weeks old

Monday 4 October 2010

Cute Newfoundland Pups at 17 Days Old

It was such fun at Howard and June's yesterday.  Bless them - their kennels had just had a flash flood but they still allowed us round for a nosey at how the pups and Gipsy are getting on.

June was just saying that some day soon they should start playing with each other and lo and behold it happened right there and then. At one point, two pups were sharing grabbing the other ones head and another pup was doing the same to Gipsy's nose.

The pups are just trying to stand.  Close - but not quite there yet...

Gipsy has turned in to a really great mum and is constantly paying attention to the pups cleanliness and licking the pups in all the right places to induce poops and pees...  nice !!!!!

Videos at the bottom !!!!

Two Videos from yesterday too....



Sunday 26 September 2010

Short video showing the three Newfoundland pups now twelve days old..

Been over to breeders Howard and June today for a video update.  It was nice to catch up with Gipsy herself and give her a little fuss...

Linky to You Tube Below Of The Puppies...

Gipsy's 12 day old Newfie Pups

Monday 20 September 2010

We Lost A Pup :(

Sometimes nature can be real cruel.  Over the weekend, one of the girls got a bad dose of Colic.  She was taking in fluids but not releasing them. Despite two trips to two different veterinary practices, she lost her battle to survive.

Poor Howard and June had to endure the heart breaking and sleepless hours watching the wee lass suffer and so, our hearts go out to them....

Newfoundlands, unfortunately, suffer a shorter life expectancy than most canines.  This is definitely something that has to be borne in mind by people considering the breed to be a member of their house hold.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Video Of Newfoundland Puppies just Four Hours Old

Poor June at breeders really had her work cut out last night.  With a restless Gipsy wanting to get up every few minutes and, knowing just one wrong move from the weighty mother might mean the end to one of the pups, June had to be alert and on guard all night. The shift, for her, thankfully came to a close when Howard took over the watch from this morning, giving June time for a quick nap.

Here is the video from yesterday showing June placing the pups for their first ever suckle.  Most got it straight away - but one little blighter had to be shown a few times before nature took over....There was little light apart from a heat light above but it's still a great video.  Click on the blue link below to take you to it on You Tube...

Gipsy, still asleep from her C Section being given her pups to suckle

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Newfoundland Puppies at 4 hours old.

Well... what a day....

Gipsy was weighed at the vets before her C Section today and was a massive eleven and a half stone.

These pictures were of her and her pups at just four hours old after just arriving home.

Hopefully a video to add tomorrow once we've downloaded it from this afternoon.